12 Jesus Dies on the Cross

We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee.

Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.


Consider how Jesus, after three hours of agony on the cross, is finally overwhelmed with suffering and, abandoning Himself to the weight of His body, bows His head and dies.


My dying Jesus,  I devoutly kiss the cross on which You would die for love of me.  I deserve, because of my sins, to die a terrible death; but Your death is my hope. By the merits of Your death,  give me the grace to die embracing Your feet and burning with love of You.  I yield my soul into Your hands.

I love Thee, my beloved Jesus; I love Thee above all things; I repent with my whole heart of having offended Thee. Never permit me to separate myself from Thee again. Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Jesus, for Thee I live, Jesus, for Thee I die, Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death. Amen. 

Reflection of Mary

Let me mingle tears with thee 

Mourning Him who mourned for me, 

All the days that I may live.

The sword of helplessness split my heart in two as I watched him struggle to breathe, pulling himself up to let air out of his lungs. With incredible courage and compassion, he spoke of mercy and love. There on that cross he gave me to John, and gave me to the Spirit filled Church that would be born on Pentecost. Then, after he gave himself into God’s hands one last time, he took his last breath and he died. It is unforgettable to watch life leave the body of someone you love.

At the foot of his cross today, listen to my son tell you of his love for you. Speak to him from your heart.

13th Station

Jesus is taken down from the Cross